TUNING is a university-driven process, organised by the International TUNING Academy, based at the Universities of Deusto, Bilbao (Spain) and Groningen (The Netherlands), which offers a universal approach to reform higher education at the level of higher educational institutions and subject areas. The TUNING approach consists of a methodology to (re-) design, develop, implement and evaluate study programmes for each of the three cycles. It serves as a platform for developing reference points at subject area level. This work is based on a wide stakeholder consultation, including employers, graduates, students and academic staff. The reference points – fully respecting diversity and autonomy – are relevant for making programmes of studies comparable, compatible and transparent. TUNING contributes to the development and enhancement of high-quality competitive study programmes by focussing on fitness of purpose (to meet expectations) and fitness for purpose (to meet aims). The methodology transcends “delivery” and encompasses all learners.

TUNING was launched in 2000 as a response of the academic world to the Bologna Processs and has developed – with full support of the European Commission – into a global process since (http://tuningacademy.org).

The materials of the Tuning Educational Structures in Europe projects can be found at its designated website: http://www.unideusto.org/tuningeu/