University of Pisa hosts successful face-to-face meeting of CalohEx (December 2021)

From 2-4 December 2021 the University of Pisa hosted the first face-to-face meeting of the project CALOHEE Extension. 45 participants covering the 4 disciplinary fields of Business Administration, Creative and Performing Arts, Information Engineering/Information and Communication Technology and International Relations met for a three days meeting. The main topic of the meeting was to make first steps in the development of Subject Area Based Qualifications Reference Frameworks for their fields of study. Haven the chance to meet in person proved to be crucial to make serious progress. In the upcoming six months the working groups will continue to work on the frameworks for both the Bachelor and the Master. These should result in schemes which should result in state-of-the-art references of their academic field, to be used in programme enhancement and quality assurance. The meeting of the fifth CALOHEE Extension working group Medicine had to be postponed until May 2022 due to the COVID-19 situation.