Call of Interest launched for five new CALOHEE Subject Area Groups (March 2000)

The CALOHEE initiative has launched a Call of Interest for five new Subject Areas that has been established:  Business Administration, Fine and Performing Arts, International Relations, Information Engineering and Technology (ICT) and Medicine. 

Expert requirements

CALOHEE is looking for experts who are (1) knowledgeable in the field of study involved. This expertise can stretch from being an academic specialist in the subject area to a professional in curriculum development and learning, teaching and assessment related to the field of studies; 2) able to contribute successfully to the working meetings. In order to participate in this study each expert is expected to attend 3 working group meetings devoted to framework development over a 3-year period (2020- 2022). It is anticipated that the meetings will be intense but at the same time a very rewarding professional experience; (3) motivated to have deep discussions with international colleagues about what constitutes the most important learning outcomes in their respective fields; 4) able to use English as the working language for all activities involved. 

Time investment / costs of the institutions involved  

The investment of the institutions involved is limited to staff time. Meeting costs (travel and subsistence) are covered by the project. The available budget is used mostly for organising face-to-face meetings and to cover the additional staff time for preparing the materials which is thought a task of the coordinating team and the two subject area coordinators per subject area group. The staff time to spend by a Subject Area Member, is limited to: 

  • three face-to-face meetings (meeting and travel time) (3 times 3 days)
  • completing questionnaire offering insight in the type of programmes on offer and  state of the art of modes of learning, teaching applied as well as information about type of employment and tasks executed by graduates (approx. 1.5 days)
  • online meetings of working groups if thought necessary (up to the total max. of 2 days)
  • Preparing for meetings and discussion of outcomes, including discussions with colleagues of the same and in case thought relevant of other institutions in the region / country (approx. 3 times 1-2 days)
  • Comparing the own programme(s) with the qualifications reference frameworks on the basis of a fixed format. This allows for identifying strengths and weaknesses and checking/enhancing the profile of the programme(s) analysed (approx. 1 day)
  • Promoting the project and disseminating its outcomes when opportunities appear, e.g. participating in workshops, conferences and the like; preparing (research) papers in case thought useful for profiling the own institution and oneself. (depending on possibilities and interests)

Total number of days: appr. 16.5-20 spread over 36 months. 

Those interested are invited to contact the CALOHEE Management team: