CALOHEE Phase 2 meeting moved online (December 2021)
The Consortium face-to-face meeting scheduled for 19-21 January 2022 and to be hosted by the University of Thessaloniki, Greece has been in online format due to the COVID-19 situation. The meeting involves some 40 experts covering five academic fields: Civil Engineering, History, Nursing, Physics and Teacher Education. The main purpose of the meeting is to take stock of the actual level of implementation of the qualifications reference frameworks and related assessment frameworks. To allow for obtaining insight the frameworks have been matched with degree programmes presently on offer. Another item to be further discussed is the identification of common ground for developing internationally applicable and comparable assessments and the identification of existing models which can be applied and new models to be developed. These are meant to be inspirational, but also to actually be applied to test the level of achievement of the descriptors defined for the different academic fields.