Kick-off meeting Management Committee CALOHEE Phase 2 (29 April 2020)
After careful preparation the kick-off meeting of the CALOHEE Phase 2 project took place on 29 April 2020. The online meeting with all Subject Area Coordinators of the five subject areas involved – Civil Engineering, History, Nursing, Physics and Teacher Education – took place later than initially planned as a result of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Discussed were two papers prepared by the Groningen CALOHEE management team: A policy note on theOverview of tasks / Planning of tasks and a second, entitled Why CALOHE2?
An important issue for discussion was the matching of the Qualifications Reference Frameworks with the degree programmes as implemented at present at the HE instutions of the experts involved in the project. Previous research show this small sample is a good representation of the present state of affairs in European countries.