A combined meeting of the Advisory Board and the Quality Assurance Board took place at the premises of the Directorate General for Education and Culture in Brussels. All full member organisations were represented at this meeting as well as most of the advisory members. The meeting chaired by the Rector of the University of Groningen, […]

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On 18 February 2016 the first CALOHEE Management Meeting took place in Brussels. At this meeting the outline of the feasibility study was agreed. Also was a proposal prepared of the composition of the Inner Circle of the project based on the many responses received on the Call of Interest.

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Higher Education institutions are invited to respond to a Call of Interest meant to identify another 60 universities to participate in the CALOHEE feasibility study. Ten Higher Education institutions, which will act as coordinators of the five Subject Area Groups, were already identified as part of the partnership that submitted the application. The procedure for […]

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CALOHEE published Press Release in which Higher Education stakeholders are informed about the aims and objectives of the EU funded study. The main task is develop the infrastructure in terms of frameworks to be able to measure and compare learning in Higher Education based on the fundamental question: are students learning the best set of […]

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