After careful preparation the kick-off meeting of the CALOHEE Phase 2 project took place on 29 April 2020. The online meeting with all Subject Area Coordinators of the five subject areas involved – Civil Engineering, History, Nursing, Physics and Teacher Education – took place later than initially planned as a result of the effects of […]
Continue readingThe CALOHEE initiative has launched a Call of Interest for five new Subject Areas that has been established: Business Administration, Fine and Performing Arts, International Relations, Information Engineering and Technology (ICT) and Medicine. Expert requirements CALOHEE is looking for experts who are (1) knowledgeable in the field of study involved. This expertise can stretch from being an […]
Continue readingFrom January 2020 the CALOHEE initiative has continued with two new EU co-financed projects: CALOHEE Phase II and CALOHEE Extension. CALOHEE II builds on the findings of the first CALOHEE Project of which the outcomes are presented on this Website. The CALOHEE Extension project implies the involvement of another five subject areas: Business Administration, Fine […]
Continue readingDue to the COVID-19 pandemic only 25 months after the formal start of the CALOHEE Phase 2 project in January 2020 the first face-to-face meeting could take place. It was hosted by the University of Thessaloniki in Greece.
Continue readingIn the context of ERASMUS+ KA3 Forward Looking Cooperation Projects, the European Commission has selected another two CALOHEE projects for funding. Both projects involve a large number of partners, ranging from universities to relevant European Higher Education associations and organisations. Coordinator is the International Tuning Academy based at the University of Groningen (NL).
Continue readingOn 13 November 2018 the Times Higher Education (THE) published an article on Project CALOHEE entitled: “European bid to compare teaching standards moves forward”. The article is written by David Matthews. You can access this article by clicking on the button below. Please note that you can only read the full article if you register […]
Continue readingA key question throughout the world of higher education is: Can higher education learning be improved and the improvement evidenced? There is an apparent lack of trust by civic society of the performance of higher education institutions. This is especially regarding the relevance and effectiveness of the learning process that students undertake. What is lacking […]
Continue readingOn 4 October 2018 the Higher Education Strategy Associates (HESA) from Canada published an article on their website entitled: “New Quality Measurement Initiatives”. The article is written by Alex Usher. You can access the article by clicking on the button below: Click here for the HESA article on CALOHEE
Continue readingGuidelines and Reference Points Brochures for Printing The CALOHEE consortium has published Guidelines and Reference Points Brochures for Civil Engineering, Teacher Education, History, Nursing and Physics. These five brochures aim to provide educators, administrators, students and quality assurance experts with tools for understanding how degree programmes can be most effectively organised, improved, and evaluated. They also […]
Continue readingThe Subject Area Qualifications Reference Frameworks (QRF) are meant to serve as a sound basis for defining the programme learning outcomes of individual degree programmes of the first and second cycle (Bachelor and Master). Basing the individualised sets of learning outcomes on the frameworks, will guarantee that ‘standards’, which have been agreed and validated internationally, are fully […]
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